You Would Be Surprised How Similar Apple Pie and Apple Pay Sound

Earlier today, Apple released iOS 8.1. The update includes a number of bug fixes and improvements to iOS (including bringing back the Camera Roll), but perhaps the biggest addition to iOS 8.1 is Apple Pay. Apple is now the latest company to attempt at frictionless payments and with all the hype behind the release of Apple Pay, I was anxious to try it out for myself.
I downloaded iOS 8.1, opened Passbook, and inputted my Amex credit card information (using the camera to capture the card details worked perfectly). Once I entered an additional security PIN that was sent as a text message to my phone, the card was verified. Simple. I then added my Bank of America debit card, but I need to call them before it gets verified — no option for a PIN to be sent to me.
Anyway, with my Amex ready to rock, I went next door with my colleague Chris to McDonalds to test it out. The following exchange actually occurred:
Me: Can I use Apple Pay?
Cashier: You want an Apple pie?
Me: No, can I use Apple Pay?
Cashier: (noticing I was with Chris): Oh you want two Apple pies?
Me: No–
Fellow cashier on right to me: Apple pie?
Fellow cashier on left to me: Apple pies? Yeah we have them.
Me: No, it’s a new feature on my iPhone, I want to pay with Apple PAY.
Cashiers: OHHH, yeah it should work. Pretty sure someone did it earlier…
Me: Ok, cool. Now, I’ll take two Apple pies and a medium soda.
The cashier then tells me the total, I whip out my iPhone 6 and open Passbook, tap on my Amex, and bring it close to the card machine, Touch ID pops up and I verify my fingerprint. That’s it — super cool.
So yeah, I just tried Apple Pie Pay and it worked seamlessly (at least once the cashiers understood what I wanted anyway). The Apple pie wasn’t half bad either.