Yes, We Redesigned (Again)

Assuming you’re not blind (which is probably a safe assumption if you are reading this site) you may have noticed that we redesigned This redesign is a rather drastic one as compared to previous versions of the site. In the past, I have typically taken a more minimalistic and simple design approach which I felt was easy to navigate and displayed the content on the site. However, this time, I decided to take a more simple more full bodied design which I feel truly displays all the content that the site has to offer.
Take some time and look around the site and get familiar with the new design. We have headline (featured posts) at the top, the middle of the page is dedicated to blog entries, specific categories (which will be rotated to keep things fresh) have been chosen for the sidebar, the sidebar also features my live video feed, my latest tweets, the archives, and the tag cloud, random posts can be found towards the bottom of the page (footer area) along with the latest video post.
I really like this redesign and hope you do as well. I’m always looking to improve the site and bring more (and better) content, features, and functionality to you. I may make some minor tweaks here and there but I’m planning on keeping this design for quite some time.