Xbox One to be Released November 22

Microsoft just announced the official release date for its Xbox One: Friday, November 22. The new console will be available on launch date in 13 markets, those markets include the U.S., U.K., Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, and Spain. The Xbox One will retail for $499.
This news comes after Sony announced that its PlayStation 4 would be arriving on store shelves on November 15, a full week before Xbox One hits the market. The PS4 will also be $100 cheaper than the Xbox One with a price tag of $399. The question now is will a week make a difference in terms of sales? I guess we’ll have to wait and see as the next-generation console wars start to heat up.
Additionally, in the post where Microsoft announced the launch date, Yusuf Mehdi, Corporate Vice President of Marketing, Strategy and Business, Xbox, also stated that the company has increased the speed of the CPU from 1.6Ghz to 1.75Ghz, a move I’m sure Microsoft is hoping will entice hardcore gamers to pick the Xbox One over the PS4.