Xbox One Pre-Ordering and Pre-Loading: A Pretty Painless Experience

Last night, I bought Madden 15. $59.99 of Xbox Store credit later, it was downloading to my Xbox One, even though the game didn’t officially release until early this morning at 3AM ET.
When I checked my console this morning before work, the game did a small update (presumably to unlock the title) and was then ready to go.
This is the magic of pre-ordering and pre-loading. When combined, you can buy a game before it’s released and actually have it downloaded to your system. The game will then unlock on its release date. While others are waiting in the check-out line, you’ll be playing.
When you can’t buy and download the game ahead of time? You either have to hit the store at midnight and wait in line for a physical copy, or stay up until release time and then wait for a download. Neither sounds all that great.
If you’re worried about missing out on DLC because you pre-ordered digitally, that trend may be on its way out. The pre-ordered Madden bundle offered some Ultimate Team stuff that fans may appreciate. Hopefully, some other games decide to do similar bundles so that we can buck the trend of retail buyers getting all the goodies.
And pre-loading will save gamers a good bit of time. Had I waited until I got home today to buy the game, I would’ve probably waited a while for it to download before playing. By being able to both purchase the game and download it in advance of its release date, I’ll be able to jump into Madden 15 whenever I have time. Which will be as soon as I publish this article.
So kudos to Microsoft on an issue-free purchase and download experience. Some upcoming games that will include pre-ordering/pre-loading include FIFA 15 and Forza Horizon 2, though neither can be pre-ordered through the Xbox One store at the moment.
Did you pre-pay for Madden 15 and download it ahead of time? How’d it go? Drop us a line below.