Xbox One Deals With Gold: Titanfall for $25, MGS Ground Zeroes for $15

Very rarely does a digital game come in at a cheaper price than its disc counterpart, but that’s exactly what’s happening with Titanfall on the Xbox One. The title is currently listed at $25 on the Xbox One games store, and is part of the weekly Deals With Gold promotion that also includes Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes at $15 and the Titanfall: Expedition expansion at $6.99.
For comparison, Titanfall is actually sold out through Amazon directly and is priced through a third-party seller at $44.78. Best Buy has the game on sale, though it’s a bit higher than on the Xbox One digital store: $34.99.
We’ve talked quite a bit here about the very noticeable gap in prices between digital games and disc-based games on consoles. Usually, the inexpensive option is the disc. And though gamers will rail Microsoft and Sony for the prices in their online stores, it’s the game publishers that ultimately make the call on a digital game’s price.
That said, both Microsoft and Sony are publishers themselves, and they haven’t exactly led by example. So maybe that’s a moot point.
Either way, we’ve seen some progress made in the past few weeks, at least on the Xbox side of things. Deals have at least put the digital option at price parity with the disc option for several titles, such as Wolfenstein: The New Order and Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition. Digital pre-ordering and pre-loading will come for some select games in the near future. There’s still a lot of work to do, but I think we’re at least headed in the right direction.
The Deals With Gold prices will hold until next Tuesday, so if you’re looking to get Titanfall at a pretty hefty discount, do so before then. And if you’re downloading and playing for the first time, let us know what you think of it!