Windows Vista vs Windows XP for Gaming

Windows Vista vs Windows XP for Gaming – a problem for most gamers is lack of driver support in Windows Vista. I believe SP1 for Vista will make a difference and will give a real alternative to XP, not only for gaming, but overall. Now with Service Pack 1 (SP1) for Windows Vista around the corner, Microsoft is aiming for February 15th for both SP1 (for Vista) and SP3 (for XP) – I think you will start seeing people re-evaluating Windows Vista with the new service pack. It is supposed to add much more driver support, as well as, other compatibility and stability improvements.

I have been using SP1 since before it went public (beta release) and it has definitely made noticeable improvements in multiple categories. Stability, Compatibility and Performance. The difference is there, no doubt about it. I really would like to see more people move over to Vista with the release of SP1 and I believe they will. It is only a matter of time, soon enough, most people will be on Windows Vista.

What do you think? Would you even consider going to Vista for gaming once SP1 is released? Leave a comment!