Windows 10 Preview Build 9888 Leaks Online

Microsoft has been doing a pretty great job of keeping its Technical Preview of Windows 10 fresh for those of us brave enough to use an experimental operating system on our computers. But despite having new builds available roughly every few weeks, at least one Windows user wasn’t content to let Microsoft update at its own pace. It seems that Build 9888 has been leaked online and is going around different file sharing websites.
The build that’s floating around, it should be noted, isn’t intended for us Windows Insiders just yet, since it’s not even stable enough to be tested for users. Rather, this build is meant for Windows partners, who are working with the company on developing software for the constantly evolving operating system.
However, the new build does make improvements on the Windows 10 experience thus far. According to WinBeta and Neowin, the new build will provide users with new animations, a new unified context menu, and making the Modern-style Settings app the default settings option choice. Neowin adds that the next public build will come from Microsoft to Windows Insiders sometime early next year – which, you know, is less than a month away.
Meanwhile, another post on Neowin from yesterday reports that Cortana functionality is coming to the Technical Preview soon. The app has been a big hit on the Windows Phone platform, so Microsoft is smart to bring it to its flagship operating system. I’m excited to give it a try, and hopefully I’ll get the chance when Build 9888 does get that eventual release. All in all, I’ve been enjoying the preview – despite some apps and features breaking along the way. For instance! I can’t use OneNote anymore. Is that…normal?
What’s your experience with the Technical Preview been thus far? Let us know in the comments, won’t you?
[Sources: WinBeta, Neowin (1), (2)]