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Welcome to TechieBytes episode 49 titled Why upgrading your Mac has never been easier (feat. Larry O’Connor)

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Today I’m speaking with Larry O’Connor, Founder at OWC, a computer hardware company known for its Mac-based upgrade kits. We discuss how Larry started OWC 30+ years ago, the company’s relationship with Apple, what Larry thinks Apple should do with the MacBook Pro, and why Apple’s RAM is so expensive.

Under Larry’s leadership, OWC has demonstrated dynamic growth in each of its 30 years of operation. Starting as a one-man business in 1988, O’Connor has provided the leadership and vision to establish OWC as the leading provider of technology products and services it is today. OWC is currently ranked the number one technology employer in its local area, employing more than 150 people on its team today. OWC was on the Inc. magazine 5000 “Fastest-Growing Privately Owned Companies” and “Computer and Electronics Top 100” list from 2007 through 2013.

Also, a quick programming note—we’re going to off for a couple weeks but fear not, we’ll be back soon with new episodes!

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