What you need to know about payment security

Cyberattacks are one of the things that many online businesses and consumers are worried about. In fact, a study made by Gallup found that Americans are now more worried about cyber crimes than violent crimes.

The survey ended with 71 percent of Americans worried about identity theft and having their personal and financial situations hacked. Only 24 percent of these people are worried about being a victim of terrorism and 22 percent for sexual assaults and murder.

There are many forms of cyber attacks but when it comes to businesses, concerns like hacking and payment security are the focused area. Data thieves are simply becoming more and more creative when it comes to stealing consumers’ online financial information.

Payment fraud is easily the biggest problem of the e-commerce industry or online business owners. LexisNexis Risk Solutions reported that online business owners have lost an average of 1.32 percent of revenue to fraud.

The problem about payment fraud is that it’s really impossible to avoid. The chances of fraudulent activities made online that can affect payment security just can’t be lowered down to zero. Fraudsters are getting creative and this is why payment security solutions are continuously improved.

People with businesses in ecommerce should be vigilant about this. The amount that an online store earns isn’t the only success that they should look at. They have to make sure that their customers’ information is safe as this could make or break their reputation.

Take a look at how many online shops and casinos build their website. Since their sites are mainly used for transactions, many precautions are used. Consumers are also smart to check on site reviews. A popular site to visit to check on an online casino’s reputation is blackjack.org. Meanwhile, top10.com is great to check on e-commerce platforms.

There are just many ways to ensure payment security. Here are the things that you could provide to make sure that online payments and transactions made on your site are secured.

SSL Protocol

You need to check if you have the SSL protocol on your website. An SSL certificate is used to encrypt the information on your site. When logging on to your website, a padlock icon should be visible on the web address or URL bar of the browser you’re using. Your web address should also begin with https.

There items on the URL bar would immediately tell your customers that the site is protected and secured. It could help boost your reputation and more customers will more likely purchase on your site as they don’t have to worry about security anymore.

3D Secure

3D secure is mainly used on online credit and debit card transactions. It’s an extra protection that you can use on your website. This protection creates a password for the shopper’s credit card. Every time the customer will make a purchase, he or she will have to input that password set. This will then make sure that all transactions made are verified by the customer.

PCI Compliance

The PCI stands for Payment Card Industry and PCI compliance is what help keeps the non-cash transactions made online. The PCI Security Standards Council is the body that oversees the enhancement and security of a website.

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards are what let the merchants know how important and sensitive the data used in payments are. This is why it’s really important for those data to be secured.

Data encryption should be used when implementing online payments on your website. The main purpose of this is to decrease the risk of fraudulent activities on your website that could easily destroy your reputation.

Address Verification Service

This is another add-on or extra step that you can add on your website to improve payment security. An Address Verification Service works just like the 3D Service. Instead of a password, the customer will have to input his address for authentication.

The system will then check if the address that the customer input matches the address associated with the customer’s credit card or bank information. If the address doesn’t match, the transaction wouldn’t push through.


This is a technology that can improve payment security on your website without payment process vulnerabilities. Tokenization is what makes the authentication of a purchase with the customer’s information.

This is basically a random group of characters, both numbers and letters that replace your customer’s information whenever they are making a purchase. It’s like disguising information like credit card numbers and bank account info on your website.

This way, even if the tokenized details are stolen, there’s no worry as it won’t make sense to anybody. These characters are random and data breach can just really be reduced with this.