What Users Want In The New iPhone [Infographic]

Throughout the last two weeks I’ve been asking a lot of people what they wanted in Apple’s new iPhone that will probably come out this June. I started this whole experiment to find out what some people who don’t have an iPhone really want in the new iPhone. I also decided to ask current iPhone users what they want in the new iPhone. The three choices for both questions were: More carriers, faster processor, or a better camera. Here’s what they said:

Almost 50% of the users wanted a faster processor, which doesn’t really come as a surprise after the recent releases of 3 HTC phones, which all have a snapdragon processor. The new iPhone is rumored to have Apple’s A4 processor, so that will definitely please a lot of people.

Then I decided to ask non-iPhone users the same question, and the results were way different:

A whopping 50% of the total people I interviewed would prefer a new carrier in the new iPhone. Again, this wouldn’t come as a surprise either due to AT&T’s unpopularity around the country, but this surprises me personally. AT&T tends to be very good in my area, and others who have an iPhone under AT&T also say they have no issues. This definitely proves how AT&T’s reputation is extremely low due to poor coverage in tech-based cities such as San Francisco, California and Austin, Texas.

What do you want to see in the new iPhone? Are you surprised by the results? Comments welcome!

The survey polled 40 individual people per question.  80 individuals were polled in total for this survey.