Weekend Wrap-Up: Obama Supports Net Neutrality; Google Announces YouTube Music Key

Happy Sunday! It’s Weekend Wrap-Up day, which means its time to catch you up on the biggest tech stories from the past week.
Those in the tech headlines include President Obama, Google, and Sony. Let’s find out why.
Obama Backs Net Neutrality
The Net Neutrality cause got a huge boost from a high place, this week; President Obama laid out his plans for a “free and open Internet,” supporting a proposal that would classify the Internet as a utility. Internet service providers, such as Comcast and Verizon, were predictably opposed to Obama’s plan, while advocates for Net Neutrality praised the nation’s Chief Executive for coming down on what they see as the “right” side of the issue. What will the FCC do now? That’s the question we’re still waiting for the answer to.
Google Announces YouTube Music Key
One of the worst-kept secrets at Google has finally launched. YouTube Music Key is a streaming music service that offers both music and videos, and includes a subscription to Google Play Music All Access, a service that still has a much longer name than it needs to. The price for YouTube Music Key is set to be $9.99 a month, but while the service is in its current beta, it’ll be available for an introductory rate of $7.99 a month.
Sony Unveils PlayStation Vue TV Service
Those interested in subscribing to TV service have a new option: Sony’s Vue TV, which will debut in the first quarter of 2015. The service is in preview for select PS3 and PS4 owners, and right now boasts a number of local channels and networks. At official launch, the service is expected to have around 75 channels per market. Will Sony’s offering turn up the heat on seasoned providers like Comcast and Time Warner? We’ll find out next year.
Project Tango Tablet Shows Up on Google Play Store
Google’s ridiculously powerful Android tablet, called Project Tango, showed up on the Google Play Store this past week; however, the tablet isn’t for sale just yet. No price is listed, and no release date is provided for the tablet, which packs in some highly impressive specs and 3D mapping technology. The price of Project Tango was already announced back in the summer, though — it’ll ring up at $1,024 when it becomes available. Unfortunately, we don’t know when that’ll be.