Wedeeo Lets You Co-Create Videos With Your Friends Through Facebook

Imagine you’re throwing a birthday party for your signifiant other and you want to create a video greeting with little video snippets from all their friends from across the world. How would you go about doing that? Well, you would first have to contact everyone through email, get them to record a video, email it to you, upload it to iMovie, set it to music and edit it. That process will likely take days or even weeks. But the Wedeeo app for iOS let’s you co-create a video with your circle of Facebook friends with just a couple of taps.
Natasha Nova, co-founder of Wedeeo, came up with the idea after going through this this exact process when she was trying to make a birthday video for her husband. Frustrated with how long it took to create a video collaboration, she asked her husband, who had experience building applications, if there would have been an easier way to do it.
“I asked him if there was any platform to collaborate with friends on video projects together and create something together with your friends and we checked it, we researched it, there was nothing back then you could easily do that with your friends,” Nova said.
So Nova, who has a music and video editing background, teamed up with her husband, Daniel Karsh, to create Wedeeo, the first social video-editing platform. They presented their idea to investors and got financed in 24 hours.
Wedeeo, which is integrated with Facebook, allows you to invite your Facebook friends to add clips to a video project you are creating. You start a video project by tapping the right hand corner of the app and then you can either add existing video clips from your camera roll or shoot video directly through the app (which also offers cool Instagram-like filters). Invited Facebook friends can add their clips to your project the same way. If the video you upload or shoot is longer than 10 seconds, Wedeeo allows you to trim the video before it gets dropped into the video order.
From there, the “director” of the project, or whomever started the video project, can reorder the clips, similar to the way you move apps around on an iPhone. After all the video is added, you can set it to music and share the project you have made. Wedeeo has also purchased rights to its own music in order to eliminate any copyright infringement issues with iTunes that some other apps have to deal with.
From there, the idea for the app grew into creating something for companies and brands through Facebook pages in order to engage with their fans.
“We saw that there isn’t a platform that’s offering the same technology for Facebook pages, and right now, every brand on Facebook pages are looking for a new, creative and engaging ways to collaborate and connect with their fan base,” Nova said. “To maintain and to keep those fans liking the page, because they can always unlike it, they need to create engaging games, engaging ways to communicate with them besides posting pictures.”
Currently, the only way for many brands to engage with customers through Facebook is to create a contest through Instagram or Pinterest, but Nova believes Wedeeo will attract big brands like Coca-Cola or Versace to engage with fans through interactive video collaboration.
“If I am a fashion brand like Donna Karen or Dolce and Gabbana, and I have 6 million fans, by one tap, I connect to all those fans and they see it on their Facebook as an invitation to enter the contest of either music video or video campaign, and they can each submit their video,” Nova said. “So basically the fans are contributing their own videos to the brand clip, whether its a fashion show, whether its an event, and they can interact with their guests at the show.”
Wedeeo, which had a soft launch about a week ago, will launch for Facebook pages by the end of May and update the current version of the app in a few weeks. Wedeeo is hoping the app will gain traction from a planned collaboration with a music artist next month.
“We are talking to one artist right now that has a new track releasing next month, and he told us how great it will be if he can create a music video that’s created by his fans, so that way he can also communicate with them in a new creative way,” Nova said.
Wedeeo has its sights set on other major brands, including charities, which it believes will also benefit from the app by creating more awareness and creative campaigns.