Want a White Ouya with More Space? Preorder One for $129
We’re not all that far removed from the launch of the Ouya system, but the company behind the Android game console is already putting out a special edition system for the holidays. In addition to a storage bump from 8 GB to 16 GB, the system and controller will both come in a very elegant-looking white. The company states on its website that preorders received by December 8 will be received by Christmas on December 25.
The white color scheme of this special edition along with the hobbyist nature of the system has gamers comparing the Ouya to Sega’s final console, the Dreamcast. At this point, the Ouya would be so lucky to have the developer support and game library that the Dreamcast could boast in its heyday. The system has been out for several months and no titles have really stepped out as “killer apps.” Ouya’s Free the Games Fund hopes to change that, but games don’t simply get developed and released overnight — it’s going to take some time.

Is time a luxury that Ouya has at this point? That’s debatable. The PlayStation 4 has just been released and the Xbox One is coming later this week. With the Xbox One and the PS4 joining the Wii U in the next generation, as well as several Android-based game systems in the pipeline (and the possibility that Apple and Google may join the fray), the Ouya could have its hands full trying to appeal to both gamers and developers.
You can preorder the white special edition Ouya from the company’s online store. It looks like you’ll get all the same accessories with the system as you do with the normal version. One would assume that the controller that comes with the system is the new redesigned version, but I haven’t seen that confirmed anywhere yet.
Would you be interested in one of these white Ouyas? Let us know how you feel about them below.