Want 3 New Video Games for $36 Each? Head to Target with Your Smartphone

This is a public service announcement for anyone looking to pick up some new video games on the cheap.

This past week, Target has been running a Buy 2, Get 1 Free promotion on video games for pretty much any system. That’s not a bad deal itself; if you pay the full $60 MSRP for two games, you’ll get another one for free. You can either look at it like you’re saving $60, or like you’re paying $40 per game.

But the discounts don’t end there. If you download Target’s Cartwheel app for your iPhone or Android device, you can add this 10% off deal to your video game purchases. The offer stacks on top of the Buy 2, Get 1 Free deal, so it takes a a$60 game down to $54 before factoring in the other offer.

Once this discount is applied, you’re either saving $72, or you’re getting 3 full-price video games for $36 each. Not bad at all, right?

Of course, there’s no rule that says you need to buy $60 games only. That would get you the most for your money in terms of value, but there are plenty of games out there that come in at around $40; Rayman Legends, for example.

Warning: some games may be artificially inflated in price at Target, so do a little price shopping before you throw your money on the counter. For example, Call of Duty: Ghosts for the Xbox One is a full $60 at Target, but can be picked up for $38.50 over on Amazon.

This offer expires tomorrow, but don’t fret; if you happen to miss out here, rumor has it that Toys ‘R Us will be running a Buy One, Get One Free video game deal of its own. We’ll get you the details on that when we learn more.

Do you plan on going out and buying some video games on this Saturday morning? Drop us a line and let us know what you’re buying.

[Source: cheapassgamer]