5 gifs that sum up how I feel waiting for my iPhone 7 Plus

It was still dark outside, I hadn’t gotten my full night’s sleep but I was as awake as someone could be after jumping out of bed at 2:45AM ET. I sat down at my computer, tapped on my Magic Trackpad and just like me, my 34-inch LG display woke up, nearly blinding me with its brightness. 3:01AM ET was approaching — yes, it was iPhone 7 pre-order day.

Despite being a seasoned iPhone ordering vet, I always feel a bit anxious about the whole thing — that’s due to experience though, each year there are new issues or problems that arise but somehow each year I’ve always had the latest and greatest iPhone show up on launch day. That is, until this year. It finally happened. Not only did I not order directly from Apple for the first time (I ended up having to order through AT&T), but here I sit typing this article as someone currently still waiting for their iPhone 7 Plus (Black, 256GB).

I went to back to bed with a ship date between September 23 and 30. I realize some people have it much worse. Before I fell back asleep though, I turned and said to Mandy (who got her rose gold iPhone 7 yesterday by the way), “I feel like this year was the biggest shit show I’ve ever seen.”

Nonetheless, here are five gifs that sum up how I feel waiting for my iPhone 7 Plus. It’s a mix between being upset, frustrated, and realizing its just a freakin’ phone.



