Viva La Resolution!

Jolie O’Dell over at VentureBeat wrote an op-ed article the other day regarding the launch of the “new iPad,” claiming that it was sloppy and very un-Steve Jobs. She writes:
While today’s Apple event unveiled a couple new improvements to an expected lineup of products, it also revealed a certain sloppiness that was absent from former, Steve Jobs-led launches.
[…] I think today’s Apple event shows that perfectionism fraying a bit around the edges. The bad pun, the goofy logo, the weird product name — all of it pointed to a leadership that either didn’t understand or didn’t care about consistency in iconography.
I couldn’t disagree more.
It’s not just her unfortunately, it’s a majority of tech journalists. They all find little things to nit pick and be disappointed about warranted or not. In this case, her claims are just patently false. For a sample of evidence demonstrating how wrong her claims are, check out this article by Matt Thomas which provides examples countering all of her claims. Be sure to skim through the comments too as some other people provided additional examples.
The fact is Apple is still building amazing products that people are buying. Apple reportedly already sold out of the initial “batch” of iPad’s that were available for online pre-order and I’m sure come March 17th there won’t be any Apple retail store that has any in stock either.
What really bothers me is that many of these tech journalists talk about what Steve would or wouldn’t do, I just can’t help but think: “How much time did you spend with Steve Jobs every day?” And if the answer is more time than Tim Cook did, I’ll think about giving what they are saying some credence.
Regardless of what Steve Jobs would or wouldn’t do, this is Tim Cook’s company now. And you know, even if it was different — that is true to one of the core values Apple was built on. “Think Different” was one of the greatest advertising campaigns Apple ever ran, if Apple doesn’t continue to “think different” they will have lost a very important core value that Steve Jobs instilled in the company up until the day he died.
And for the record, I bought a new iPad (Black, 32GB, AT&T 4G/LTE) and I can’t wait to get it. Viva la resolution!