UStream Live Broadcaster App Review

The Ustream Live Broadcaster iPhone app has been officially released in the App Store early this morning and yes, it allows you to stream live video from the iPhone to the web. And now to answer the question you are all dying to know the answer to – yes, it even works over a 3G connection (and of course WiFi). The UStream Live Broadcasting application works on both the iPhone 3G and 3GS and it’s free!
The application’s settings make it extremely easy to automatically tweet out when you go live, as well as share the videos on Facebook and YouTube. The live broadcast can also send out your location if you choose to allow it to. The app also allows for chatting with viewers via UStream’s chat and also through their social stream integration with Twitter, it also integrates a yes/no polling system. Additional settings include video quality adjustments and managing your locally recorded videos as well as ones stored on the UStream servers.
UStream has been promising an application like this for quite some time now and have finally delivered. I have to give UStream a lot of props and congrats for getting this done. They are the first full-featured one-to-many live streaming application on the iPhone to date. This is an excellent step in the right direction for not only UStream but for the iPhone as well. Of course UStream will benefit greatly from being first and with a platform like the iPhone it is a very key strategic move for mobile video.