UK Toys R Us lists Xbox One and PS4 release dates: Nov. 29 and Dec. 13

Before we jump to conclusions, let’s get the facts absolutely straight. First, neither Microsoft nor Sony has offered us a specific release date for their next-generation consoles, the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4. That said, BGR is reporting that the Toys R Us website in the UK has both systems listed with specific release dates: November 29 for the Xbox One and December 13 for the PlayStation 4.
The screenshot to the right, captured from the Xbox One’s pre-order page on the site, displays that November 29 release date. That falls on a Friday, as does the December 13 date listed on the PlayStation 4’s page. Looking back at the previous generation launches for both companies, Microsoft’s Xbox 360 launched on a Tuesday, November 22. Sony’s PlayStation 3 launched on a Friday, November 17.
A quick check on other retailer websites shows differing dates for the launch of these consoles. Amazon has the Xbox One pegged for November 27, while listing the PlayStation 4 launch day bundles for December 31. Best Buy lists November 30 for the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4 on that same date.
Taking all of that into consideration, the fact that the UK Toys R Us website has a date listed is not a big deal at all — in fact, it’s not something that hasn’t already been done by several other retailers. The dates used by these retailers are likely filler dates or best guesses, and will be updated appropriately when the actual release dates are provided by Microsoft and Sony. The Toys R Us PS4 date does seem a bit more realistic, especially when you take into account the fact that Sony would like to get that system in stores and selling before Christmas. I don’t see anything that makes the Xbox One Toys R Us date any more credible than the dates on any other site, though.
This might be blown a bit out of proportion. Or maybe there is something to these dates that have shown up on this one particular site overseas. In either case, we’ll keep a close eye on things and update you if we learn more.