Twitter Opening up TV Ad Targeting Product To All U.S. Advertisers

Earlier this summer, Twitter placed a product in beta called TV Ad Targeting that allowed certain companies to run Twitter-based advertisements of their products in conjunction with their nationally-televised advertisements. The results were so substantial that Twitter is now opening the opportunity up to all U.S. advertising companies who run national TV commercials.
In what they’re calling “general availability” of the product, TV Ad Targeting is now extended to any brand who runs television commercials – alongside brands like Adidas, Holiday Inn, Jaguar, and Samsung, who participated in the beta and reported impressive results.
Specifically, users that Twitter found were viewing a televised commercial and exposed to a promoted tweet “demonstrate 95% stronger message association and 58% higher purchase intent” compared to users who only saw the television commercial.
And according to Twitter, engagement rates were over 27% higher than historical averages – which is a pretty significant boost.
“The Twitter TV ad targeting beta helped the Holiday Inn Express brand target consumers who watched TV shows featuring our new #StaySmart television commercials,” said Heather Balsley, SVP Americas Holiday Inn Brand Family, IHG.
“By using captivating messaging alongside Direct Response messages, video assets and interesting #StaySmart facts, we’ve been able to garner exceptionally high user engagement for our Promoted Tweets. Because engagement rates have been significantly higher, it’s enabled us to continue to drive new followers and create engaging conversation with consumers via @HIExpress.”
“Twitter TV ad targeting allowed Jaguar to tap into conversations with unique audiences that were recently exposed to the brand through strategically placed TV commercials that targeted individuals most likely to engage,” said Joe Torpey, Jaguar Communications Manager, Jaguar North America.
“By using Twitter TV ad targeting, @JaguarUSA saw a direct increase in engagement and entries to the social media campaign #MyTurnToJag.”
Twitter is also making a dashboard of tools available that allow companies to track, project and understand the analytics of their advertised product. This will help companies see how their products are best marketed, as well as how users are interacting with the product through advertising.
The main goal of the service, aside from getting the word out about products, is to give companies a platform for extending the discussion about their products – directly with the end consumer. Any companies interested in pursuing TV Ad Targeting with Twitter can visit