Twitter Analytics now free and available to everyone

If you’ve used Twitter’s advertising product at all, you’re probably familiar with the fantastic Twitter Analytics tool inside of it. This tool, once limited to advertisers, is now free and available to all Twitter users who visit, so everybody can take an in-depth look at their account and the content they tweet out from it.
Most Twitter clients will alert you if a tweet you send out is retweeted or favorited, but for those who didn’t have access to analytics, keeping track of how many times a link was clicked required a shortening service like bitly. Twitter Analytics brings all of that information under one roof — the “Timeline activity” section — and displays it in an easy-to-parse format. Not only can you see how many times a link in a tweet was clicked, you can also see how many a tweet was retweeted, favorited or replied to.
And if you’re trying to figure out which content performs the best, you can filter your list of tweets to show the ones with the most interaction. Also, for those who like to make backups of information, or those who feed data into other tools, you can download a CSV file of your Timeline statistics and be on your merry way.
If you jump over to the “Followers” section, you can learn a bit more about those who are following you, such as their interests, where they’re from and what common accounts they’re all following. It’s a lot of neat information that we didn’t have access to previously and that third-party services and tools couldn’t really do as well.
To check out Twitter Analytics, you can head over to and sign in with your Twitter account. You’ll be prompted to begin setting up an ad, but you can skip this by simply clicking the “Analytics” tab at the top of the page and then clicking either “Timeline activity” or “Followers” to dive into your stats.