Tweetie for Mac Is Dead. At Least Right Now.

Today is #AskEv day on Twitter. Where you can ask Ev Williams (former CEO and Co-founder of Twitter) basically any question you would like. He has been answering a bunch of questions, but here is one that really stood out to me when it passed by in my Twitter stream.
One user, @Chris24 asks Ev, “Is Tweetie/Twitter for Mac dead?” to which @ev replies, “Tweetie for Mac is not something we’re actively investing in at this time.” Take that as you will, but to me that says, Tweetie for Mac is dead. They are not spending any time or resources in developing it further. So for everyone who was hoping to see a version 2 of Tweetie for Mac, the chances of that happening now seem to be slim (at best).
We’re bummed too. We would have loved to see a new version of Tweetie for Mac. We even compiled a wish list a while back. Remember when Tweetie for Mac 2 was a selling point for the Macheist bundle? Oh well, maybe it will come eventually, but really, I wouldn’t hold your breath at this point.