How To: Turn Your iPhone/iPod/iPad Touch Into A TV Remote

Wouldn’t it be neat if you could turn your iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad (I’m just going to say i(Product) to save me from having to type all of the device names again from here on out) into a fully customizable universal remote? Well, it’s actually a reality. Thanks to the company behind the L5 Remote. The L5 remote is an accessory which can be purchased for your i(Product) for $50. Once you have the L5, simply connect it to your i(Product) via the 30-pin connecter, and download the free app from the App Store.
After you have the app installed and your L5 connected, you’ll want to configure the app to recognize all (or just the ones you want) the buttons on your regular remote. Configuring the remote is fairly straight-forward as well. Simply select the type of button it is on your i(Product), name it (if necessary), line up the remote with the L5 adapter connected to your i(Product), and press the button on the remote until it’s recognized in the L5 app. If you watch the video above, you will see exactly how to do this.
The L5 remote is an interesting approach at a universal remote. It’s also been executed very well – simple, easy, and it just works. Not to mention the added bonus of being able to call your remote if you were to lose it.
Thanks to Matt Philie of Present Day Tech for putting together this video review.