Texting Apps That Will Slash Your Cell Phone Bill

Sending texts has become one of the most popular forms of communication. In a pinch, no other outlet is as quick, user friendly, or easier to send off. Sure there’s controversy as to what’s it’s doing for grammar and interaction times, but as far as convenience goes, no contact is better. However, depending on our carrier’s fees and/or stipulations, we can often run out of these handy messages days or just weeks into a contract.
To help offset these texting stipulations (without paying the fees that come with them), consider the help of a free texting app. While most require smartphones for use, free texting apps are a great way to communicate in a brief, but necessary, manner.
Try out some of these proven favorites.
- TextFree – this app is only for Android users, but offers up unlimited texts and pictures to be sent. Receivers aren’t required to have a smartphone, and can be located in more than 35 countries.
- imo provides the same services, but with an added bonus: the app connects to IM platforms. Chat or text through multiple accounts all with one free app.
- For the creative bunch, try KakaoTalk. Still free and unlimited, this program can recognize 12 different languages and lets users disguise their voice (for voice texts). There’s even a bank of cartoons with common sayings for a number of occasions, such as the “good morning” or “I’m sorry” texts.
- WeChat is a great option for those wanting to use video calls. Use the face-to-face feature, share pictures or contact information with nearby friends, or just stick to regular texting.
- Social media meets texting with Pinger, an app that lets users see who’s online, what pictures they’re posting, and more. Great for travelers, this platform can be used in more than 100 countries.
- And textPlus allows users to talk to their current acquaintances, as well as make new ones. With textPlus you can text, send pictures, or join chat rooms from other members across the globe.
- Though it costs $.99, WhatsApp is a popular version that — bonus — doesn’t use ads. Use the app to text friends, create groups, or send as many pictures as your heart desires.
Head to your app store to see additional capabilities and reviews.