Top 5: Gadgets for 2010

Now that 2009 is winding down and 2010 is right around the corner there has been no shortage of gadget talk. What will the year 2010 bring to the world of technology? It will definitely be a very interesting year and I’m expecting a lot of innovation. Many of these gadgets have already started generating a lot of buzz and hype.
I’ve put together a list of my top five (5) most anticipated and wanted gadgets for 2010. Granted, not all of these have been definitely confirmed there have been rumors afloat. Let’s break it down, shall we?
1. The Apple Tablet
I’m sure you couldn’t have guessed. The Applet Tablet tops the list at number one of my personal most wanted gadget (though I’m sure many will agree). While specs, price, availability, or existence have not been announced or confirmed, every geek has been drooling over the possibilities. If Apple can make their tablet (if it exists) as successful as the iPhone the computing industry will undergo massive change.
2. Google Phone (Nexus One)
The much anticipated Google Phone also dubbed the Nexus One has been stirring up some buzz lately. The phone which is completely unlocked is expected to be released in January. It’s also supposedly very fast. I really want to get my hands on one of these for review.
3. Next Generation iPhone
The next generation iPhone will most likely be more of a revolutionary step forward than the 3G to 3GS was considered to be. I’m excited to see what Apple has in store for the next generation of the iPhone. If you have any feature thoughts, leave them in the comments.
4. Asus Eee eReader
Asus announced its plan of releasing an ebook reader under its Eee PC product brand. An Asus eReader could be interesting especially since Asus was such a vital player in the explosion of the netbook market. It will be in tough competition with the Amazon Kindle, Sony’s eReader, and Barnes and Noble’s Nook. One thing that may end up setting the Asus eReader apart from the rest may be the price – I’d expect it to be on the less expensive side as compared to some of the others in this market.
5. Chrome OS
Yes, I know Chrome OS isn’t a gadget per se, but it will be something to watch out for, especially if the rumors of the Google Netbook running Chrome OS are true. Chrome OS has some major potential if executed and marketed properly. I’ll be keeping an eye on it.
Well, that’s my top 5 gadgets for 2010 (subject to change of course). What are yours? Leave a comment!