The Infamous Blue Screen of Death…on Apple’s iPhone 5s?

It’s a sight Windows users know all too well: the Blue Screen of Death. Even though it hasn’t been around for the last few iterations of Microsoft’s operating system, its glowing image still haunt our nightmares. There was nothing worse than making progress on a project using a Windows PC back in 1997, only to have it all disappear into the digital ether as some internal organ inside the computer would seize up and the Blue Screen would appear. Amazingly, the Blue Screen of Death never really left—it was just biding its time until the release of Apple’s iPhone 5s.
Take a look at this video posted last month by a sad iPhone 5s owner:
According to a post on the Verge, the BSOD has been popping up as the iPhone 5s crashes, usually during attempts to multitask while using Apple’s iWork apps—and that’s exactly what happens in the video above. In fact, a post on AllThingsD adds that the iPhone 5s seems to be crashing twice as often as other iPhone 5 models. That said, the post notes that the iPhone 5 and 5C have crash-rates of one percent, while the 5s has a rate of two percent—so, you know, “twice as often” is still not that often.
Still, this has echoes of warnings from a few weeks ago, when tech-watchers said that iOS 7—on which the iPhone 5s runs—might not play nice with everyone’s apps right away. What is surprising, though, is that this is happening with one of Apple’s own programs.
But the pain will disappear soon. The Verge post points out that Apple has released an update to the operating system—iOS 7.0.2—to try and fix these problems, so chances are that the BSOD will be a thing of the past before too long. Still, I won’t lie: I’m feeling pretty smug over here as a Windows user who’s been plagued by more than his fair share of Blue Screens. Where’s your precious “it just works” now, Apple fans? Hm?
Schadenfreude’s a wonderful thing, you guys.