Thanksgiving Was Instagram's Busiest Day for the Second Year

For most American families, the Thanksgiving holiday is one spent huddled around a table with friends and family, a day designated for relaxing and being together for good food and good times.
But for Instagram, one of the world’s largest image sharing services, it’s the busiest day of the year. And it’s been that way for the past two years.
Last year, the social network company claimed that it processed over 10 million photos on the day of Thanksgiving, with a rate of 200 images per second being uploaded throughout Turkey Day. It apparently cracked that number wide open this year, but didn’t give any specifics.
But don’t worry if you forgot to share your full plate with the Internet yesterday. There’s still plenty of time to post a beautifully rendered, layer-filled snapshot of your gross leftovers today!
And if you’d rather spend your time doing something a tad more useful, feel free to check out our report on the best Black Friday deals. But hurry, those deals disappear after today.