Forget Super Mario Run, this new Super Mario game looks amazing
This week Nintendo announced its brand new game console, the Nintendo Switch, which looks pretty cool, but perhaps what’s even cooler is the brand new Super Mario game that they developed for it. The game, called “Super Mario Odyssey,” is a brand-new 3D Mario game, and the first large Mario-themed sandbox world since “Super Mario 64” on the Nintendo 64 (which is why I’m so excited about it) and “Super Mario Sunshine” on the Gamecube.
Based on the promo video the game looks absolutely gorgeous, with incredible design and innovative, colorful gameplay. Take a look at some of the gameplay screenshots and the promo video below.

Full promo video can be found below:
Super Mario Odyssey is slated to be released in late 2017 (likely just before the holiday’s). Who’s stoked? I am!
By the way, the Nintendo Switch is officially launching on March 3, 2017 for $299 — so mark your calendars!