Shark Tank investor Kevin Harrington endorses self-publishing company MindStir Media

MindStir Media, an award-winning self-publishing company, has changed the way publishing works. Their successful self-publishing website allows aspiring writers across the globe to self-publish, distribute and market their books effectively.

J.J Hebert, #1 bestselling author and founder of MindStir Media, mentors every author, guiding them each step of the way as they complete their writing and then self-publish. For each project and depending on each writer’s needs, the website also provides editors, book designers, illustrators, and marketing experts.

A prominent blogger and media influencer, Hebert encourages self-publishing and is an expert online marketing professional. The nine-time award-winning author of four bestselling books on Amazon has been hailed as the “The Self-Publishing Guru” by The Good Men Project.

Hebert’s debut novel, Unconventional, was released in 2009 and went on to become one of the most successful self-published books with over 100,000 sales and downloads, and reached #1 bestseller status on Amazon. The same happened with his next three books, The Backwards K, Weepy The Dragon (A children’s book), and My Daddy Might Be A Wizard (released in the Fatherhood category).

Recently, MindStir Media announced that Kevin Harrington, the well-known U.S. entrepreneur and an investor on Shark Tank, has endorsed MindStir Media. Kevin Harrington is not only one of the original “Sharks” on the panel of the hit TV show but is also the inventor of the infomercial and pioneer of the As Seen on TV brand.

MindStir Media publishes books of any genre and among them some incredible bestselling books from promising new writers and people who are already successful and known for their work in the film-making industry.

Some of their notable projects include bestsellers written by Sho Kosugi (actor and martial artist), Arnold Kane (writer of TV hit series that include The Love Boat and 3-time Emmy Award Nominee),  and the award-winning producer, Don Miller and his book If I Could Run, based on his award-winning film.

Kevin Harrington’s praise and endorsement of MindStir Media proves that the company has earned its place as the #1 self-publishing website.  MindStir Media and the mastermind behind it, J.J. Hebert, impressed the Shark Tank’s “Shark.” In a recent interview, Harrington spoke about how becoming an author changed his life.

A stamp of approval from Kevin Harrington certainly boosts any company, even a successful one like MindStir Media. His entrepreneurial skills and business experience span 35 years of many accomplishments and Harrington is always willing to share this knowledge through his public speaking, podcasts, and writing.

Harrington is not only known for being on the panel of Shark Tank during its two first years on air, he is also the pioneer of the brand As Seen on TV, has also launched over 500 products and produce over $5 billion in global sales. Helping get ideas off the ground is what Kevin Harrington thrives on assisting innovators and business owners with great ideas to get them off the ground with funding and the business assistance required to help boost them into the entrepreneurial world.

MindStir and the mastermind behind it, like Kevin Harrington, believe in encouragement and ongoing mentoring. That is why they offer a free downloadable self-publishing guide that helps aspiring authors answer the question, “How can I publish my book?”

The Self-Publishing Guide answers many questions about the publishing process followed at MindStir Media. It outlines all the publishing packages in a side-by-side format with the pricing for each package, making it easy for new authors to find the package they need.

Most authors are not experts in marketing or advertising and MindStir Media offers this service, making it easier for them to promote and sell their books once published. The Self-Publishing guide outlines these services in a list.

For those who are still skeptical about self-publishing, there is a final addition to the Self-Publishing Guide where published authors outline how they managed to successfully publish and market their books with MindStir Media.

Once published, MindStir authors retain their publishing rights and have high royalty rates. The books are available at thousands of retailers in over 100 countries and at some of the biggest and well-known booksellers globally like, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million.

Since 2009, over 600 books have been self-published through MindStir Media. MindStir’s rapid growth can be attributed to the hard work of its founder, J.J. Hebert. He’s also provided thousands of free publishing consultations. This is the type of dedication and entrepreneurial thinking that cannot be missed and was noticed and recognized by Kevin Harrington, moving him to publicly endorse MindStir Publishing.