Review: The Digg iPhone App

It’s finally here: the Digg iPhone App [iTunes Link] was released the other day. There has been a lot of hype over it, to the point where some companies are giving away iPads celebrating the release of the Digg app. I usually don’t use Digg – as a matter of fact I didn’t get a Digg account until this last Thursday. But I’ve been using it more, and I’ve definitely been using the iPhone app.
The Digg app is very unique. Most iPhone apps these days have sort of the same UI, and the same point. The Digg app however brings something new, and the UI is pretty good. Once you open the app, you are given around 20-30 of the most popular (most Dugg) stories of the day. You can also go back and search through the most popular stories by topic. On the bottom bar, you can also choose by top, recent, or upcoming stories. Once you click on a story the bottom bar will now give you the option to save it, Digg it (or Digg it down) along with the number of Diggs, and then the option to share it among most social networks. On the top corner, you can click the comments to comment on the story. The app will even embed media such as images directly within the app itself, saving you the trouble of having to load a separate window for just an image.
This app worked perfectly for me until I decided to roam around my saved stories. For some reason, everytime I go to the saved stories segment of the application, the Digg app automatically crashes, regardless of what you do in it. Sometimes it doesn’t even let you do anything and immediately crashes upon clicking there. I’ve also heard several complaints saying the Digg app is too crashy and needs work.
Overall, the app is decent, but they could work on making it less buggy.
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