Review: EaseUS MobiSaver Helps You Recover Data from iOS Devices
Editor’s note: This is a sponsored review. Products featured in sponsored reviews are tested and reviewed with the same process as non-sponsored reviews and are not guaranteed to be positive.
We recently took a look at EaseUS’ data recovery software for Mac and today we are reviewing the company’s iPhone data recovery software (though it will work on any iOS device — iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch). The EaseUS MobiSaver application can be a life saver for anyone who has accidentally deleted something from your iOS device. Whether it be a photo, video, contact, text message, or basically anything, EaseUS is here to help with MobiSaver.
Once you download and install MobiSaver, launch it and you can get right to work attempting to recover your data. I should note that iTunes cannot be open when you have MobiSaver open, the app will automatically close iTunes if it’s open — just something you should be aware of.
The app is fairly straightforward and easy to figure out, though I think the actual design could use some improvements — but does that really matter if it can recover your data? Probably not. Nonetheless, once you have the app open you will see two options: recover from your actual device or recover from an iTunes backup of your device (keep in mind if you use iCloud backup you will be required to use your actual device since there will be no iTunes backup available).

In my tests, MobiSaver was able to scan and analyze my iPhone and iPad (both with over 10GB of data) quickly on my newer MacBook Pro, however, on my older Mac Pro it experienced some issues and would get stuck analyzing the devices. That being said, I’m told that EaseUS is looking into further optimizing their software to ensure it works smoothly all the time.
Now in terms of the recovery aspect of the app, MobiSaver does an okay job. It was able to dig up and recover some conversations I had months prior and had since deleted. It also found old and deleted contacts, though some of the data was garbled, but the important information such as the phone number and sometimes a first name (or part of a full name) were preserved.
One thing I wish could be done is offer the ability to recover the data directly back to your iOS device. Currently, if you are able to recover something, you only have the option to save it to your computer. For example, a text message conversation will be saved as an HTML file which you can view on your computer, but you can’t really transfer that back to your iPhone. Of course, if you are able to recover a contact or calendar appointment, those things can eventually make it back to your smartphone after you sync it with your computer, but first they need to be saved to your computer.
When it came to recovering data from the device itself, the app was definitely better at finding things like contacts, messages, calendars, notes, etc than things like photos and videos. In fact, when it came to recovering photos off the device, I didn’t have much luck, the only photos it appeared to pickup were those located in my Photo Stream.

MobiSaver has a better shot of recovering your data from an iTunes backup than it does off the device itself, this is because the data is in the backup itself and can be extracted, whereas once you delete it on your iPhone it’s much more difficult to get back. No software or person/company will ever be able to guarantee they can recover your data, so you should always be very careful when deleting information from any device. If anything, you should view apps like MobiSaver as a last ditch effort to get back something important to you — always be sure to backup!
EaseUS MobiSaver for Mac retails for $79.95 and there is also a Windows version of the product. The company offers a free trial and if you purchase it, it comes with a 30-day money back guarantee.