PREDICTION: Gold iPhone Will Be The Most Popular Color

I just dropped by my local Apple store to check in on the people already waiting in line for tomorrow’s iPhone 5c and 5s launch and after speaking with a number of people in line I came to the following conclusion: the gold iPhone 5s will be the most popular 5s color. Literally every single person in the line at the time wanted the gold iPhone, I must have spoken to at least 15 people.
Yes, I’m aware the sample size is small, but after seeing the unanimity and listening to some of the reasons as to why all these people wanted the gold iPhone I just have a strong feeling that the gold 5s will be very popular.
Here’s a couple reasons why the people I spoke with wanted the gold:
Its Never Been Done
Like you may expect, a major reason people are interested in the gold model is because its never been done before by Apple. “There’s only been black and white before now, the gold is new and that interests me,” said one excited soon-to-be iPhone 5s owner.
Fun and Different
Similar to the reason of it being new, people I spoke to thought owning a gold colored smartphone would be fun and different.
As my conversations progressed, I had to ask each of them, “but is the gold iPhone for douchebags?” While everyone got a good laugh out of that, they did acknowledge the fact that owning a gold iPhone could potentially be construed in such a way, and perhaps one of the best responses I got was from a woman who said, “I could see the gold iPhone being purchased by people who think they’re all gangsta.”
Personally, a color is a color and it shouldn’t matter. Plus, I have to admit the gold model is tempting. “Go for the gold,” I keep on telling myself. We’ll have to see what happens tomorrow.
I should also mention that pairing this potential popularity for the gold iPhone with the latest news that indicates both gold and silver iPhone 5s’ will be extremely hard to find in-store, many of us could find ourselves waiting a while before we get our hands on the brand new iPhone of our choice.