Phones 4u Publishes its Samsung Galaxy S4 Review

UK wireless carrier Phones 4u doesn’t just provide smartphones and wireless access — it also does a pretty good job reviewing new devices that end up on its network. Phones 4u’s latest review is one that a lot of people might be interested in, especially since the device hasn’t yet arrived in the U.S. — the Samsung Galaxy S4.
Before you watch the Samsung Galaxy S4 review, there is one thing you might want to keep in mind. The device that the UK is getting is a little different from the one we’ll get stateside. The UK’s Galaxy S4 variant will pack an Exynos 5 Octa, which is an octo-core processor. Octo meaning eight, in case you’re not on the same page. The Galaxy S4 we’re getting in the U.S. will feature a Qualcomm Snapdragon 600, which is a quad-core processor.
Now that we’ve got that straight, you can watch the review below.