Parcel Might Be the Future of Online Shopping Deliveries

For some reason, the FedEx man is allergic to my doorbell. I’ve missed several deliveries here at my apartment in Minneapolis – even when I was home – because the FedEx delivery guy decided he’d rather fill out a door tag and head back into his truck without ever letting me know he was downstairs. It’s been frustrating – and a new service called Parcel might be the answer I’ve been praying for.
Parcel is a new delivery service that’s currently only operating in Manhattan and a few neighborhoods in Brooklyn. For a flat fee of $5 a delivery, Parcel will receive the packages you order when you shop online. From there, you give Parcel a set hour where you’ll be home and they come right to your door with your stuff. It’s ingenious, and it’ll help ensure that you’ll never miss an important package again.
Of course, Parcel is the kind of service that can only exist while other delivery services, such as the aforementioned FedEx, not to mention UPS and DHL, continue to fall down on the job in terms of delivering to people’s homes. Even when you don’t get a delivery person who refuses to ring your bell, it’s frustrating to know that unless you’re home all day, you’re likely to come back to your place to find a door tag. On the flip side, those companies have to deliver a whole lot of packages, so it’s also a bit unfair to expect them to deliver your stuff when it’s convenient for you.
In the meantime, Parcel has found a niche and may wind up expanding to metropolitan areas throughout the country. Hopefully they’ll make their way to the Twin Cities before too long…