Next Windows 8 Update Reportedly Scheduled for August 12

A new post on Neowin reports that Windows 8.1 Update 2 is scheduled for release on August 12. That’s just a little over three weeks away! As exciting as that is (okay, it’s not that exciting), the bad news is that it seems as though the update won’t do much in the way of radically changing the way we interact with Windows.
According to the post, the August 12 date is being reported by sources out of Russia, and in Neowin’s estimation, those sources are reliable. The information, too, “aligns perfectly” with what they’d been hearing previous to this particular leak. So for all intents and purposes, it sounds as though August 12 is indeed going to be the day we get the next big Windows update.
As for what’s in the update, it won’t be terribly dramatic. The post says that it “may only include enhancements to stability rather than front end features.” The caveat, of course, is that maybe Microsoft has managed to keep the major details about the update under wraps. But chances of that don’t seem too good considering how often leaks about updates and products seem to come out of the company.
Back when Microsoft released Windows 8.1, users saw a major shift in the way their PCs ran. While the core of Windows 8 was still present in 8.1, the differences were still pretty staggering in terms of performance, and there were enough layout tweaks and fixes that it finally started to feel like Windows 8 would be more than a footnote between Windows 7 and Windows 9.
Update 1 was pretty great, as it added the ability to access Modern apps via desktop mode’s taskbar. It also added the ability to minimize or close those apps using a mouse or keyboard. While it didn’t go that last step and give users the ability to use apps in specific desktop mode windows (you know…like Windows), it was a welcome addition of one of Windows users’ most missed features.
Windows 8.1 Update 2 might surprise us with some neat new features. Either way, be sure you block out a little while on August 12 for your computer to update, and for you to wait a bit before you can get some work done.
[Source: Neowin]