Microsoft Launches iPad Trade-In Promotion

While Android may be the number one mobile operating system in the world, everyone knows that it’s something of an empty victory. The real leader of the mobile war is Apple. It’s been that way ever since Apple launched the iPod so many years ago. Microsoft tried to beat Apple at its own game by releasing the Zune. Remember the Zune? No, no one remembers the Zune. The Zune sucked.
Anyway, that’s why it’s interesting to see that not only is Microsoft continuing to target Apple specifically by gunning for the iPad with its Surface line of tablets, but they’ve even launched a promotional trade-in program at Microsoft stores around the country. A post on ZDNet from yesterday reports that September 5 saw the launch of a program where customers could get a gift card good for at least $200 at the Microsoft store for trading in a “gently used” iPad 2, 3, or 4.
What would you get with that $200? Oh, probably a Surface RT, which starts at $349!
Now, while I don’t think Microsoft is going to get too many converts outright, I do see how the company will likely get more than a few folks trading in old iPads which might be collecting dust in favor of newer iPad iterations that have come out since then. After all, it’s not like iPad sales have dropped off each time a new one comes out—just the opposite, in fact. Those Apple fans sure do love to buy new iPads! As such, there are probably a bunch that are just getting stacked up in people’s houses. Like expensive, chrome-finished newspaper recycling.
It’s possible—not likely, but possible—that some iPadders will be so impressed by the Surface line of tablets that they’ll renounce their affiliation with Apple. And if that doesn’t happen, well, there might be a few more Xbox 360s sold, or Xbox Ones pre-ordered. After all, even if the Surface continues to flop, Microsoft’s done a great job with its gaming division over the last few years.
So I ask you: will you be trading in your iPad? The promotion lasts until October 27. And if you do trade it in, will you bother with a Surface?