Medium Coming to iPhone With New Native App

Medium, the social publishing platform founded by Twitter founder Evan Williams, is taking another bold step next week as the company will release a new native mobile application for iPhone that will allow users to read (but not yet write) posts on the go. The new app, which has thus far only been confirmed for iOS by the Wall Street Journal – sorry, Android users – will make it easier to find and consume content on the go. Medium currently allows mobile users to read posts on the web with a mobile optimized design, however a native app will likely feature numerous benefits over the web version.

Medium has been somewhat on fire lately as the startup has managed to raise a $25 million round of funding, a feat which was just announced a couple of weeks ago. The company aims to shape the way that we read and consume long form content in the future – sometimes considered the yin to Twitter’s short 140-character yang. Thus far, the platform has caught the eye of numerous of the technology industry’s thought leaders, including former Digg, Revision3, and Milk founder (and Google Investors partner) Kevin Rose.