Lessons on building a company from a 3x founder (feat. Mitch Grasso)

Welcome to TechieBytes episode 52 titled Lessons on building a company from a 3x founder (feat. Mitch Grasso)

This podcast is supported by Wix.com. I’ve personally tested and reviewed Wix and can say without a doubt that Wix is extremely easy-to-use and a great choice to build a website for novice to advanced users.

Today I’m speaking with Mitch Grasso, CEO at Beautiful.AI, a company creating a newer and smarter way to design your presentations. Prior to Beautiful.AI, Mitch founded SlideRocket which was acquired by VMWare. We discuss raising venture funding, his approach to customer acquisition, important design rules, and more.

Mitch is a serial entrepreneur with strong technology, design and product skills. Prior to Beautiful.AI, he founded SlideRocket, cloud-based presentation productivity software focused on team collaboration and co-founded AdSpace Networks, a digital signage network deployed to over 200 malls and reaching over 48M unique viewers/month.

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