iTunes Connect Signing in Users Under Different Accounts

Something weird is going on with iTunes Connect today. Users are inexplicably being signed in under different accounts – and that’s kind of not good for a company that’s had recent troubles with security.
Take a look at some of these examples:
Holy shit every time I hit sign out on iTunes Connect it signs me in as a different random user:
— Mo Bitar (@bitario) January 29, 2015
iTunes Connect just logged me in as a different user. Someone is seriously going to get fired.
— Paul Haddad (@tapbot_paul) January 29, 2015
Most definitely was auto logged in to a blackberry account on iTunes connect somehow… This isn’t mine!
— Bay Phillips (@bayphillips) January 29, 2015
Yeeeeah, that iTunes Connect thing is bad. Here’s who I logged in as. Someone at Apple??
— Ged Maheux (@gedeon) January 29, 2015
As to what could be causing this problem, it’s anybody’s guess. As of this writing, neither Apple nor the iTunes Twitter account has said anything about the issue – though, it’s important to point out that it’s not clear yet how widespread the issue might be. Did this happen to you? If so, let us know…