iPad Mini Supply Reportedly Severely Constrained, Like the iPhone 5s

If you thought getting your hands on an iPhone 5s was tough, new reports are indicating that it may be just as difficult to get an iPad mini with Retina Display. Analysts at IHS iSuppli say production of the iPad mini’s Retina screen is nowhere near enough to satisfy supply. While perhaps tens of millions of customers will be hoping to purchase the Mini over the next few months, supply line issues mean that the actual number available could be less than 3 million, says the firm.
IHS iSuppli’s report doesn’t really come as such a surprise: While the larger 9.7-inch $499 iPad Air was promised on November 1, Apple only provided a vague “later in November” availability promise for the Mini which starts at $399. Similar to the way Apple didn’t accept pre-orders for iPhone 5s due to severe supply constraints it seems like this lack of a solid date sell date for the iPad mini means short supply is a real concern.
The problem in manufacturing the iPad mini with Retina Display lies with the screen, which is apparently a bit more difficult than expected to manufacture without having any issues. What kind of issues? Well, lots of screens with dead pixels and other malfunctions. According to IHS iSuppli, Apple could be experiencing yield rates in the range of 50 to 70 percent of devices that need to be scrapped. Whereas for a mature production process like the iPad Air, perhaps only 5 percent of the screens will have to be rejected.
Well, you know what this means, right? Looks like I’ll be waking up at 3AM again to place my order as fast as humanly possible for the new iPad mini with Retina Display. What about you?