iPad App Review: Twittelator

I know for sure that many of you that read this blog are on Twitter. At this time, there is always a way you can send out a tweet whether it be from the web, a desktop application, a mobile app, etc. If you are looking for an absolutely fantastic app for the Apple iPad, then Twittelator is what your looking for. The price may be a little high ($4.99), but it is definitely worth the money, especially if you are a hardcore “tweeter”.
After starting up the application and logging in you will see a nice UI, almost like a desktop, with 2 windows and a menu bar. The two windows are your followers tweets and the other window is for you to compose a tweet. The bottom menu bar lets you transition to your Mentions, Direct Messages, Trends, Search, Twitter lists and Drafts. The main 3 menu items (Messages, Mentions and Direct Messages) work the same as any other twitter client and work really well. The way this app is designed and how everything works so efficiently is really what won me over from TweetDeck.
One of the other options available is to search. This basically allows you to search for other tweets and users. Most search options on other clients just allow you to search through for other users, whereas this lets you search for a wider variety of things. Search is definitely another contributing factor to winning me over to Twittelator. I do not use Twitter Lists at all, but there is an option in this application that lets you browse through and search for Twitter Lists to follow. It also allows you to see the Twitter Lists you currently are in and/or follow.
If you are working on a tweet that you want to send in the future, rather than typing everything in later, you can just type it in now and post it later. I would use this if I were giving something away. For example, I would type out “Congratulations to our winner, —- ! Click here to claim your prize” and just come back later to fill in the blanks.
Overall, this is an absolutely fantastic app for the iPad and if I were to give it a rating, I would give it 5/5 stars. Again, it is $4.99 in the app store. You can get it from here. If you want to try out Twittelator for the iPhone/iPod Touch as well, it is also $4.99 and you can get it from here.