Hublished Wants to Connect Businesses Through Content

It feels like there are a hundred ways to get information on the Internet—but chances are, there are even more. Between Twitter, Facebook, corporate websites, email blasts, and press releases, there’s no shortage of content sources out there. For businesses seeking information on the web, the wealth of options—and the lack of a curatorial direction to herd all this information—can make it not just difficult to find what you’re looking for, but downright impossible. That’s what Hublished hopes to change.
Started by two seniors at NYU, Hublished is a new B2B social media site that aims to take the best content marketing that the web has to offer and put it all in one place. But rather than act as a repository or directory for webinars and whitepapers, it’ll serve as a way for users to connect with content and with each other.
“This thing was exploding, this content marketing revolution,” explains Nis Frome, Hublished’s cofounder and COO. “But there wasn’t really a site to hold all this content. You would have to already know the brand, go to their website, sign up for it there, then know another brand, get it there, know a friend on LinkedIn, get it there—very, very fragmented.”
Users who encounter helpful or important content can promote it to others, and content-makers can connect with potential customers or future partners. Overall, Hublished wants to create a new way for people producing content marketing and people consuming it to find each other in a meaningful and easy way.
Today marks the launch of Hublished’s open beta, along with an invitation to potential users and businesses to sign up and give the site a try. In fact, the site has announced that the first fifty brands to join and fill out a survey will earn the privilege of having their content featured by Hublished itself right off the bat.
Of course, with founders so young, it may seem like Hublished is facing an uphill battle in order to convince businesses to trust them. Frome, however, says that he doesn’t so much need your trust: rather, he asks that you simply look around you and do the math:
“Don’t trust us because we’re 21—we’re nuts,” he says. “There’s no reason a 50 year old veteran should trust a 21 year old just on his word. Go look it up—don’t trust us. Go talk to marketers, go talk to other people in the industry, go see what your competitors are doing. I guarantee—each and every time—they’re hosting webinars, they’re establishing thought leadership. And the companies establishing thought leadership are doing much better than the companies that aren’t. The companies that are still stuck on this traditional advertising model are falling way behind.”
“Don’t trust us,” he says. “Just take a look at the industry.”