How to use Windows user monitoring software to your advantage

Everything your team does on company resources and company time — matters. Time that’s spent on random websites can detract your worker’s productivity, and visiting certain sites on your company PCs might direct your business to some legal risks. This includes harassment suits from your staff who might be exposed to offensive content.

That’s not how you’d want your employees to spend their time in your company. Monitoring software such as ActivTrak lets you realistically view your employees’ screens. Other consequences are more severe than legal lawsuits or a productivity loss. Either maliciously or unintentionally, employees can reveal your company’s proprietary information, data integrity, business strategy, and much more.

Additionally, unmonitored web activity can expose your company’s systems and networks to external dangers such as malware, keyloggers, and other intruders. Even if your worker forgets to update a security patch, it can create a loophole within your system’s security settings and can expose you to unwanted attacks. So don’t think that monitoring your employee’s activity as snooping, you need to do it in order to protect the integrity of your business.

Best Tactics

Windows user monitoring software is one small part of the overall strategy to maintain employee productivity and protect your business. Once you’ve decided what to monitor, follow these general tips to ensure that your company is successful.

Be Upfront With Your Employees

No one likes to be spied on without knowing. Unless you think an employee poses a serious threat and needs covert monitoring to examine their activity, you should tell your personnel what you track and how come you’re doing so.

You can accomplish this by making a statement in the employee handbook. Basically, you’ll tell your workers clearly that anything they do on your computer’s computers will be tracked. Telling them upfront that their behavior will be monitored is a great way to stop unwanted activity from occurring.

Filter Everything

Most Windows user monitoring software tools include e-mail and web content filters that prevent users from viewing inappropriate sites and prevents them from receiving or sending files that will jeopardize your business. By doing this, you proactively prevent problems and stop your staffers from seeing harmful content.

Regularly Check Reports

There’s no point in making usage reports if you and your staff don’t look at them. Take some time to view check the reports that software is currently monitoring. This allows you to look for potential issues early and fix them before there pose a larger threat.

Whether you find a website that everyone is viewing or one employee that plays games instead of working, you can solve these issues with a quick email that tells your team you know what they’re doing. Checking reports allow you to not only monitor employees but also find the ones that are causing issues and address them immediately.

Closing Thoughts

You have to keep track of your employee behavior before it’s too late. With Windows user monitoring software, you can monitor hundreds of computers remotely and stop threats before they become too noticeable. Make sure that you invest in a system that works best for you and fits the size of your company.