How to perform security assessments and security audits

Data is what defines survival in this era. The digital fortress created by humans has enabled us to reach echelons, which were distant dreams. But, in the land of knowledge, some elements use the same expertise for chaos and destruction.

To protect the valuable data from falling into the wrong hands, industries invest a ton of money. This investment not only goes into making their systems robust against cyber-attacks but also ensures the proper safety of valuable components of the system as well. 

Data security: A need of the hour 

If you ask any cyber expert from Toronto managed IT services, he/she will tell you the need for data security is imminent. Millions of systems become a part of the internet every single hour, and in an era of rapid advancements, the numbers are only expected to go higher than before. 

Identifying a rogue element in a crowd of 10 people is easier than doing the same in a crowd of 100. Similarly, tracking down the source of an attack is only becoming tougher than before with every passing year. 

Here’s why we need data security.

  • Organizations need data security because their businesses depend on it.
  • Personal data of millions of users of any social media platform needs security. 
  • Without data security, institutions like the stock exchange, banks, etc. can fall prey to massive cyber attacks.
  • In some worst cases, economic annihilation can be done without even firing a single round from a firearm; all one needs is an excellent attacking strategy and a few lines of robust code.      

How to perform an audit on data security 

Since data is everything in today’s world, it is of paramount importance to protect it at all costs. And to perform a task like this, experts from the field are put into active service. These experts assess the systems and develop newer countermeasures for improved security of data. 

For an organization to perform an audit on the security of data, it has to follow several steps in a chronological order to obtain the best results. These steps can be listed as follows.

  • Knowing the purpose of the audit 

Before conducting an audit straightaway, it should be known to the ones performing it that why an audit is needed in the first place. If the rules of engagement with a threat aren’t appropriately debriefed, they might result in lesser efficiency in problem-solving processes.

  • Knowing the threats

The second most crucial step is to know the threat that is supposed to be dealt with. Going in guns blazing without knowing the enemy is no smart move. Likewise, knowing nothing about the possible risks, and preparing weaker countermeasures will yield nothing.

  • Know where you stand

Assessing the present security measures is also a key feature of doing an audit. Knowing the ways with which a given set of problems has been handled to date gives the developers an idea regarding the next updates. 

  • Establishing priorities 

Hitting the harder points first rather than, the weaker ones, wastes resources and time. Therefore, prioritizing the audit process helps in knowing which problems should be dealt with first. Upon identifying the threat levels, deployment of countermeasures can be carried out with ease.