Google Begins Installing Fiber In Kansas City Homes

In an announcement published on the Google Fiber blog, the company is now prepared to begin installing its Fiber connections into people’s homes.
After months of building a brand new Fiber infrastructure, we’re excited to announce that today we’re officially starting to connect homes in Kansas City to Google Fiber.
This is super exciting, especially if you remember way back in 2010 when this all started, and Google held the “contest” to see which city was most deserving of this awesome Internet hookup. And now, it’s ready to rock, even despite some delays along the way.
I really hope that Google is considering expanding its fiber network across the country, or at the very least, somehow gets ISP’s to offer the same speeds at reasonable prices. Google is offering speeds 100 times faster than what most people have, speeds that are up to 1Gbit per second. I don’t know about you, but that makes me super jealous and I’m in the 1% of Internet users within the US.
This is also great for businesses and startups, and Venturebeat is reporting that many new startups have moved into the area because of Google Fiber. A very exciting time for everyone.