Google Acquires Android Development Team Bitspin

If you’ve ever been in the market for a good third party alarm application for Android, then chances are you’ve heard of Bitspin, the Android development team behind the excellent Timely application. Timely is definitely one of the most well designed applications on the Google Play Store, and it looks like Google agrees – Bitspin has today announced that they have been acquired by none other than Google themselves.
Though details are light at the moment, Bitspin promised in their announcement post that the team will continue to do what they’ve always done: building “great products that are delightful to use.” No word yet on what the team has been brought on board to build specifically, but I’d wager it’s safe to assume that such an impressive team will be getting their hands dirty on parts of Android itself going into the future.
Of course, that brings up the question of Timely’s fate. Though being a startup acquired by a company as large as Google is a huge deal, it usually comes with one unavoidable downside – the death of existing products. Though it’s not quite clear what the long term plans are for Timely, Bitspin is promising that the application will “work as it always has” for both existing and new users. That’s certainly good news for fans of Timely, but the question is how well will it be supported and updating going into the future? I’m willing to bet Google has bigger plans for Bitspin than just backing future Timely updates.