Talking tech since 2003

I have a great holiday giveaway to share with everyone! BestTechie has teamed up with discount software website to giveaway $2,000 worth of professional graphics software from SmithMicro, the makers of software titles such as Poser, Manga Studio, and Anime Studio. It’s super easy to enter and if you enter during the special BestTechie Exclusive pre-release announcement (from today until Monday) your chances of winning are doubled! How awesome is that? Enter now!

To make matters even better if you share the giveaway with your friends on Twitter, Facebook, or via email and they win, you win too! Here is a list of the applications (all are Mac and PC compatible) that you can win:

P9 800 Poser 9 (2 winners): Poser 9 retails for $249 and is considered the world’s easiest way to create art and animation using 3D characters. The simple tools built-in to Poser make it possible to create awesome works of art whether you are a professional or an amateur.

Mse4 right 500 Manga Studio EX (2 winners): Manga Studio EX retails for $299 and is the best software for creating comics and manga characters.

Asp8 right 500x500 Anime Studio Pro 8 (2 winners): Anime Studio Pro 8 retails for $199 and is an excellent way to create high quality animations using high quality vector-based drawing tools to create characters, scenes, and objects without having to go frame-by-frame.

We are also giving away Poser Debut (3 winners), Manga Studio Debut (3 winners), and Anime Studio Debut (3 winners).

So what are you waiting for? Enter today!

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