Get the Low Down on Our Downloads: Four Great Android Apps

Every week, we try to add new and interesting entries in our Downloads section, a curated list of apps and tweaks that all of us at BestTechie use in our personal and professional lives. But a list of great Downloads is only good if people know what’s new and notable, so in this post we’ll be featuring some of the newest additions to the Downloads Section over the last few weeks. Try them out and let us know what you think in the comments, why don’t you?
This time around, we’re going to focus on great apps for Android phones.
This great application lets you create a duplicate copy of your Android app installation files. This is useful if an app-maker takes a product off of Google’s Play store, or for apps obtained from third party stores or through the web. The only downside? It doesn’t make copies of your save files, so if you have a high score in Angry Birds, you’ll have to start over if you install the app again.
The iPhone is already a pro at handling podcasts right out of the box, while Android phones have always had to rely on third-party apps to download and manage podcast subscriptions. A lot of the choices available leave a bit to be desired, but Beyond Pod is one of the best podcasting apps we’ve come across for Android. It hasn’t failed us yet, and paying a small, one-time licensing fee will offer up a bunch more features for an already-feature rich free version.
No one buys physical media anymore, right? CDs, video games, DVDs—just throw them all away, now that you can get a digital copy and play it anywhere you want. The same can be said for comic books, and comiXology is the best app for the job. ComiXology offers a digital storefront, giving consumers access to thousands of new and old comics from the major publishers like DC and Marvel, as well as tons of independent publishers. Even better is the app’s “Guided View” feature, which lets you zoom in and read comics panel by panel, helping to keep you from squinting at your screen, no matter how small.
Well, okay, you probably shouldn’t read on your smartwatch.
While comiXology is great on Android smartphones and tablets, it’s also available for Windows 8, iOS, Kindle Fire, and even the web.
This is a no-brainer for Android users. Since smartphone operating systems tend to only give users access to certain files through certain apps—like your photos through your Gallery app, or all your podcasts through the Podcast app—ES File Explorer lets you browse your phone’s files and folders as though you were using a file manager on a full-fledged computer. Instead of losing track of files on what’s normally an impenetrable system of files, ES File Explorer’s easy controls and clean interface gives users the ability to manage their phone’s internal storage.