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Is the I5-9600K still the best gaming-only processor? I’m looking to build a rig for gaming with a small amount of productivity added (school and such) and I’m looking to get the best cpu for my budget ($1500).

I probably should have prefaced this a little more. I’m looking for longevity and bang-for-my-buck. I parted out this list with a 2600x/2080, but my only concern is that I’ll almost be building in last-gen since Ryzen 3 will br coming out Q3/Q4(I think).  word counter  VidMate  Mobdro

Edited by WilsonPatel
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  • 1 year later...

I started to play OverWatch because I was tired already of CSGO. One evening I just thought that I am playing already for ten years, with the same people, on the same maps in the same game. I and my friends started to play in OverWatch. It is pretty interesting but you get stored of it very fast. Now we are playing Apex, it is an interesting game for friends that play in a squad of four. Sometimes we can also practice some csgo gambling. This is like my second source of money. Playing on these sites you can make some money on your inventory.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is a good PC if you play CS:GO.  It’s quite easy to reach 60 fps with this game to play comfortably for fun. But every professional CS:GO player uses a system that can push 120 fps along with 144Hz+ monitor. So you have to spend some more money if you want to become a professional cs cyberathlete. gut knife marble fade factory new - I gave up trying to become a professional, so I play for fun with my friends and bet skins on csgo tournamnets. 

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