Top Secret: Easily Drive Thousands of Visitors to Your Site

I want to let you in on a secret — come closer, closer… Ok. Stop. Want a great way to drive traffic to your website? There is a way and it doesn’t require any type of special skill set or knowledge, in fact, all you need is good (preferably awesome) content. So now that I have your attention and you have your content ready, here is what you need to do: signup for StumbleUpon, or login if you created an account a long time ago and forgot about it.

StumbleUpon is one of the Internet’s first social sites for sharing articles, images, websites, etc.  It allows you to “Stumble” through different submitted content based on your inputed “likes.”  It also is a great way to drive traffic to your own content because unlike sites such as Digg and Reddit where it often frowned upon to submit your own website content even if it’s awesome, StumbleUpon will embrace any content provided it’s good.  I like to call StumbleUpon one of the Internet’s best kept secrets, not necessarily because it’s not popular — it is very popular, but because it seems like a lot of people have forgotten about it with the explosion of sites like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and now Google+.

I would like to provide a few examples of how StumbleUpon can drive traffic to your site (like it has for mine) by showing you some stats of posts I’ve submitted over the past few months. Here are a couple of screenshots that will give you an idea of what kind of traffic can bring to your website. I have had StumbleUpon bring over 2,000 visitors with one submission.

The articles in the screenshots above brought an additional 5,300+ visitors to my website just because I submitted those articles to StumbleUpon. Granted, not every piece of content you submit will be popular on StumbleUpon (I’ve had a number of submitted articles not get any hits from StumbleUpon), it’s not a magic tool that creates buzz for you. However, if it’s truly a good piece of content and is topical it usually will make its way around the site and bring in some additional traffic.

I’ve seen what StumbleUpon can do first hand and I thought I would let everyone else know. You have nothing to lose by submitting your content to it, so what’s stopping you?

Do you have any other sites that are great for generating traffic? Leave a comment!