Destiny Diary, Issue 6: Red Death

For the first time in what feels like months, Xur is selling an exotic weapon I don’t already own: Red Death.
The weapon is a primary that, up until Destiny’s 1.1.1 patch a few weeks ago, wasn’t totally useless, despite being in the highly underpowered pulse rifle category.
Post-patch? Red Death is a beast. In fact, VG247 recently wrote (prior to the Xur sale) that it’s “the deadliest rifle in Destiny.” So if you’re torn on whether or not to part with 23 Strange Coins, let that “deadliest rifle” quote bounce around in your brain for a little bit. Perks include regenerating health and faster reloads after kills.
Destiny’s Weekly Stuff
Looking forward to, once again, taking down the Archon Priest? You’re in luck — the “Winter’s Run” strike is both the Nightfall and Weekly Heroic Strike this week.
The modifiers for the Nightfall strike include Nightfall (of course), Epic, Arc Burn, Solar Burn, and Void Burn.
The Weekly Heroic strike modifiers are Heroic and Void Burn.
Playing any Destiny this weekend? Tweet me at @shawn and let me know — especially if you’re playing on the Xbox One.